The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020, if passed by Parliament, will be applicable to new residential tenancies from 1st July this year and existing tenancies from 1st February 2021. The Regulations will not apply to premises let by social or resident landlords, or long leases/tenancies for a term of 7 years or more, student halls of residence or similar institutional accommodation.
Landlords will need to ensure that the electrical installations in their premises comply with the IET Wiring Regulations 2018 Edition. In addition, they must ensure that a suitably qualified person carries out an inspection at least every five years and provides a report which the Landlord must copy to the Tenant within 28 days of the inspection being carried out. Any works required by the report must be completed within 28 days of the report date.
If Landlords fail to comply with the Regulations, the Local Authority will be able to impose a civil penalty of a maximum of £30,000.00 for any breach.
If you have any concerns about this change, either as tenant or landlord, please do not hesitate to contact any member of our property team for further advice.