The Government announced on 24th February that it will introduce legislation for a New Homes Ombudsman, to provide buyers of new homes with a free, independent complaints procedure to resolve problems with newly-built homes.
All developers of new homes will have to belong to the scheme (which will be separate from any NHBC, or similar insurance warranty scheme).
The Ombudsman will have various powers, including to:-
- Make compensation awards to buyers.
- Request that developers undertake, or refrain from undertaking work.
- Directing developers to improve their service.
- Expel developers from the scheme and publish the details and reasons for expulsion.
- Make recommendations to resolve disputes and the timescale for rectification.
- Request apologies and explanations from developers.
There will also be a new code of practice for housing developers, setting out the standards which developers will need to meet.
If you are buying a property, please get in touch with Peter Collier in our Property Department on 01494 521301.