You know the drill by now, email your answers to Iwan Emanuel for your chance to win a bottle of bubbly (plus a second bottle for our overall quiz champion).
General Knowledge
Which is the largest desert in the World?
5 countries border the Caspian Sea – name 2 of them;
In which church are monks locked in at night, and unlocked at dawn, every day of the year, by a Muslim, and why?
How did Alexander the Great solve the puzzle of the Gordian Knot?
What is the indigenous religion of Japan?
Which country invented the croissant?
Which river links the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea?
On which island is Honolulu situated?
Which is the smallest city in the U.K.?
What was the first animal into space?
Where would you find the Pillars of Hercules?
What is the deepest diving mammal ?
Which is the deepest location on Earth’s surface which is not underwater or under ice?
Where in London would you find a Roman amphitheatre?
The Spanish towns of Ceuta and Melilla are on which continent?
In which sport must you enter your opponent’s side of the court and tag as many defenders as possible in a single breath?
Which Test Match venue has a view of Table Mountain?
Which football team are known as “The Shrimpers”?
Which famous English rugby club re-branded in 2018 only to find their new name was already in use by a local gay club?
In which country is “Shinty” normally played?
Which sports make up the Modern Pentathlon?
In which sport would you compete for the Vendee Globe Trophy?
In which ball sport is “soloing” a thing?
What disciplines are comprised in the Nordic Combined?
Which popular ball sport was banned by the Vichy French government in 1941?
Barcelona has two La Liga football teams – FC Barcelona and ….?
In which sport do you throw balls at a piglet (cochonnet)?
In which ball sport do you use a “cesta”?
Where were the first Winter Olympics held?
In which sport do you compete for the Stanley Cup?