I recently came across a fantastic series of 3 articles in This is Money, written by retired judge Stephen Gold. M'lud had found himself executing the estate of his late aunt. I would commend them to anyone who wants a concise and honest precis of the kinds of frustrations, delays, and Kafkaesque beaurocracy that will inevitably plague you as you carry out the role of executor.
Part 1 - Complaints and Compensation (with helpful template complaint letter)
Part 2 - The Financial Ombudsman doesn't understand the law (and won't accept the word of a judge)
Part 3 - Probate is granted: "It should be a doddle now shouldn't it? No."
As we have written about previously, being an executor is certainly not a walk in the park and not a role you should enter into lightly. In the words of Judge Gold:
Being invited to act as executor is a bit like witnessing an accident or being invited to a dinner party. You may come to regret it.
If you do find yourself executing an estate and would like any advice or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me directly on 01494 893 533 or any member of our Wealth Management and Taxation Team on 01494 521 301.