One of my recent blogs linked through to an informative and amusing serious of articles by Judge Gold in the magazine 'This is Money'. I would highly recommend them.
When the firm tweeted (X'ed?) that blog, we referred to Judge Gold as our new favourite judge. It was pointed out to me that this may have represented a low-key burn to our own resident Judge, my esteemed partner Toby Walker. Naturally that is tosh. Toby's shoulders are broader than that, a necessity for any working benchman.
I might also add that Toby is more amusing than Judge Gold, but sadly that would not be true. I am pleased to link to his latest 2-part guide on the merits of preparing a Will. A well written and highly amusing article that should encourage even the most 'Will shy' to look at theirs:
Part 1 - The wisdom of having a Will
Part 2 - How to avoid common blunders in your Will
I would suggest reading them in their entirety, although I have set out below my favourite gift idea as conceived of by Judge Gold:
‘I give Robin Goodfellow the sum of £25,000.00 on condition that he asphyxiates any person who speaks badly of me following my death.’
Unsurprisingly, as Judge Gold notes, the wording of this gift would be ineffective...
Please do not hesitate to contact me directly on 01494 893 533 if you would like to discuss the preparation of your own Last Will & Testament.