What is the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority?

April 9th 2024 | personal injury

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme was established under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1995 and was introduced to compensate victims of violent crime. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (“CICA”) only applies to England and Wales. According to the scheme, there are certain requirements that must be fulfilled in order to read more...

What Is Contributory Negligence In Personal Injury Claims?

March 22nd 2024 | personal injury

As individuals we have a general responsibility to take care of ourselves.  Contributory negligence is a common defence strategy in personal injury claims by defendant lawyers. Whilst it is not a defence to liability it does assist in reducing the value of the claim, otherwise known as quantum. Contributory negligence read more...

What Are Interim Payments In A Personal Injury Claim?

February 1st 2024 | personal injury

A claim for personal injury can take years to settle. You may find yourself unable to work as a result of your injuries or requiring costly treatment without the necessary funds to pay. An interim payment can provide financial relief by allowing a payment to be paid prior to final read more...

How Much is my Personal Injury Claim Worth?

January 2nd 2024 | personal injury

One of the most common questions we get asked in the early stages of a claim is how much is my personal injury claim worth? Each personal injury claim is different and it's not possible to predict an exact figure. However, based on the facts you have provided we are read more...

I Had Food Poisoning on Holiday, Can I Make a Claim?

December 8th 2023 | personal injury

If you have been unfortunate enough to become unwell on holiday as a result of food poisoning as part of a holiday package, then you may be entitled to compensation. As with any claim the amount of compensation you receive will be dependent on the time you have remained unwell read more...

I Have Had An Accident, When Should I Instruct A Solicitor?

September 19th 2023 | personal injury

In most Personal Injury claims in England and Wales, an adult (18 years and over) with capacity has 3 years from the date of the accident to pursue a claim. This 3-year period is known as the limitation date, the claim must have been registered with the Court, however there read more...

My Child Has Been Injured, Can I Make A Claim?

July 13th 2023 | personal injury

Accidents involving children can be particularly traumatic as a parent or guardian and navigating the claims process can be overwhelming. If your child has been injured in an accident or as a result clinical negligence, you could claim compensation on their behalf by acting as their ‘Litigation Friend’. This allows read more...

Care Home Negligence & Injury Claims

June 14th 2023 | personal injury

With an increasing aging population as medical advances allow for longer life expectancy, more of the UK population are living in care homes in either residential or nursing settings. With age, comes greater risk of accidents as mobility and health decline leading to more serious injuries when accidents do occur. read more...

I Was Injured Working From Home, Who Is At Fault?

May 9th 2023 | personal injury

Since the Covid 19 pandemic the number of people working from home has increased significantly and many businesses continue to move towards hybrid working. Yet remote working poses risks for employers and employees, particularly when it comes to health and safety. If you are injured working from home, who is read more...

Whiplash Reforms: Success or Failure?

March 30th 2023 | personal injury

On 31st May 2021, changes were made to the claims process for low value road traffic accidents for personal injury claims, including whiplash. The Whiplash Reforms applied to claims with a value of less than £5,000 with the aim of simplifying the claims process for small claims. By removing the read more...

Compensation for Caregivers: Your Personal Injury Claim

March 15th 2023 | personal injury

If you work as a Health Care Assistant “HCA” you will know that the role can be a hugely rewarding. However tasks associated with the job role can be mentally and physically demanding. From working within residential settings, to caring for clients in their own home, some of the activities read more...

What Evidence do I need for my Personal Injury Claim?

February 9th 2023 | personal injury

When making a claim for compensation for personal injury, collecting evidence is vital. Whilst in practice this may seem relatively straightforward, there are different types of evidence required depending on the type of personal injury suffered. As a claimant, below is examples of the evidence you can obtain to assist read more...

Electronic Signatures: What Are They and When Can They Be Used?

January 24th 2023 | general

Electronic signatures have been in use throughout the 21 st century but they became a lot more important during COVID as restrictions and lockdowns meant that it was a lot more difficult to sign documents in person. Electronic signatures provide a lot more flexibility, but it is important that you read more...

The Impact of Social Media Posts on your Personal Injury Claim

January 9th 2023 | personal injury

It’s fair to say that in current society, social media forms a huge part of our lives. Information posted on social media is typically public as information is readily available through a quick name search. Claimants beware, information from your social media profiles may be disclosed and used to discredit read more...

How To Add Value To Your Flat Without Carrying Out Any Works

November 24th 2022 | residential property

Another week’s news, another plethora of depressing articles about dropping house prices and predicted double digit percentage price falls got me thinking about how you can add value to your property.  The obvious way to do this is to improve the property by renovating it but it is not the read more...

How Will I Pay for a Personal Injury Lawyer?

November 16th 2022 | personal injury

When you have suffered an injury or been the victim of Clinical Negligence, it can be worrying thinking about the cost of a solicitor, but you need not worry. At Allan Janes LLP, we offer funding in appropriate Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence cases by way of a Conditional Fee read more...

I Have Suffered a Personal Injury; What Do I Do?

April 27th 2022 | personal injury

Personal injuries, however caused, are by their very nature unexpected. Of course the most important thing to do in the first instance is to make sure you seek out appropriate medical help and treatment. But where you need to seek recompense for the loss you suffer as a result of read more...

Personal Injury Damages: The Dishonest Bungee Jumper v Inconsistent Slipper

January 19th 2021 | personal injury

Most Personal Injury lawyers will approach a client’s damages on the most reasonably optimistic basis, on the documentation and medical evidence available. The insurers will almost always argue lower figures are more appropriate on certain aspects of the claim. Certainly, one should be realistic and sensible when considering offers of read more...

Covid-19 Claims and Compensation

April 21st 2020 | personal injury

I am sorry to have to write a piece like this via media with the Coronavirus having taken many loved ones away from us. Could this have been avoided in some cases? Should the state intervene and provide compensation to families of nurses and doctors who have lost their lives read more...

Surgery, Clinical Negligence, and The Need for Informed Consent

August 20th 2019 | personal injury

It has been four years since the decision made in Montgomery . Mrs Montgomery was a diabetic and became pregnant. The mother carried a risk of a larger than average baby as a result and there was a higher risk of shoulder dislocation occurring during labour which posed a significant read more...

Commercial Lease Renewal and Terminations under the 1954 Landlord & Tenant Act

May 2nd 2019 | dispute resolution

Richard Harriman, a Partner in our Litigation Department who deals with residential and commercial property disputes writes: “Does a tenant of business premises have security of tenure?  The answer depends upon the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 (“The 1954 Act”).  There are two elements to the security provided:- Automatic continuation read more...

Can a Contract Be Varied Orally?

March 26th 2019 | dispute resolution

Not if the contract contains a "no oral variation" clause! In the recent case of Rock Advertising Ltd v. MWB Business Exchange Centres Limited, the House of Lords agreed that a contractual licence for a rented office between the parties, which stated that any variations must be signed and in read more...

Rights of Forfeiture and The Importance of Reading Leases Carefully

February 27th 2019 | dispute resolution

The recent case of Andrew Toms v Marilyn Ruberry is an interesting one; it illustrates why you should give careful consideration to the contents of the forfeiture provisions of a lease before taking enforcement action.  This case shows the importance of interpreting the right of re-entry and forfeiture clause in read more...

Somatic Symptom Disorder

September 6th 2018 | personal injury

Somatic Symptom Disorder, formerly known as Somatoform Disorder, which manifest as the physical symptoms that suggest illness or injury. In people who have been diagnosed with a Somatic Symptom Disorder, the person’s symptoms cannot be explained. The diagnosis of Somatic Symptom Disorder requires that the person has reoccurring somatic complaints read more...
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